Blvk Unicorn

How to Avoid Illicit and Dangerous Vapor Products

How to Avoid Illicit and Dangerous Vapor Products

Vaping nicotine-containing liquids has always been under attack; but this most recent surge in political action is largely due to the outbreak of lung illnesses.  You have undoubtedly been inundated with these messages of the mass media and politicians trying to scare you out of vaping.  Unfortunately, the only other alternatives include going back to cigarettes or opting for "approved" smoking cessation methods that might not agree with your body.  These doubts might have even crept its way into your thoughts now as you are (hopefully) enjoying your flavored e-liquids off your favorite device.

Rest assured though, whether you are vaping BLVK Unicorn flavors or any other reputable company for that matter, any doubts of getting sick are highly unlikely.  Here's our guide on how to avoid dangerous and illicit vapor products:

1. purchase from a licensed retailer and/or manufacturer

Licensed manufacturers and their respective authorized retailers and distributors must maintain strict quality control systems to ensure the product that is ultimately sold to be as safe as possible.  On the manufacturing side, reputable companies such as ourselves rigorously test the flavorings we put into our e-liquids, the manufacturing process, and the final product.

As for authorized retailers and distributors, these are the only companies globally that are legally able to sell that triple-tested product.  On top of that, should you purchase e-liquids from a retailer, be sure to look for their business license and any certifications indicating that they are, in fact, a licensed and authorized retailer.

2. learn how to spot authentic products

People have gotten pretty good at copying our products and passing them as real.  As a result, we constantly change the way in which we verify authentic products.  As a general rule of thumb, we broke down our verification program into two main regions: Asia and the rest of the world.

People have gotten pretty good at copying our products and passing them as real...

by BLVK Unicorn

blvk unicorn verification program

Outside of Asia, and serving the world at large, we take verification of authenticity very seriously.  The process in which we verify products are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  So if you are questioning the authenticity of your product, please feel free to contact us at

BLVK Unicorn ASIA Verification Program

Back in 2018, we opened up BLVK Unicorn Asia that is designed to service the entire Asian continent.  Having an entirely different division dedicated to our products, we have developed a new verification system that uses state-of-the-art technology to authenticate products seamlessly.

For more information, please contact

3. check the ingredients

Given the recent outbreak of lung illnesses, the main culprits are Hydrogen Cyanide and Vitamin E Acetate.  We can guarantee you, that any reputable e-liquid manufacturer does not cut their liquids with these harmful carcinogens.

In addition to that, to maintain world wide compliance within the United States and Europe's regulatory entities such as the FDA and the TPD, all product recipes in its entirety are submitted to be logged and tested for harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHC).  These reports can be made available on request.  For more information, please contact

mainstream media and politics are slow to grasp the truth

As difficult as it may be to avoid mainstream media coverage of the mass hysteria surrounding illnesses around vapor products, the clear indicators have pointed towards the culprit of the sicknesses to be centered around illicit, black market THC cartridges.  Unfortunately, the price was ultimately paid in states such as Michigan, New York, and Massachusetts where executive action was taken to eliminate the industry as we know it.

It was only until last week that government agencies such as the CDC and the subsequent media to follow that the truth was uncovered.  So as the rest of the world returns to a relative normal, consider our last point to be the most important.

4. trust your brand and your shop

We cannot stress this point enough.  A lot of us have been using electronic cigarettes for several years now and at this point, have developed a trust behind our favorite brands and have even become regulars at our local shop.  Stick with your brands that have consistently provided you with premium e-liquids that are tested, tried, and true products.  As industry leaders, we have too much skin in the game to start cutting corners and putting our Unicorns at risk.

Be safe fam.

~BLVK Unicorn

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