Government Overreach | Taxation | Prohibition
Every single day, your right to access e-cigarettes are challenged. Get involved by applying pressure to your representatives. You might not see it, but your voice is single-handedly keeping our industry alive!

HB 65 grants the state more funding in enforcing the state's existing PMTA registry law. While there is a ban in place, there is no way to enforce it. Let's keep it that way. Tap the button below to get involved today!

Senate Bill 1212 is, like so many states are rolling out, a PMTA Registry bill. Your access to these healthier, more effective nicotine products are threatened due to corporate greed. Take action & urge your representatives to oppose SB1212.

Colorado is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 1356, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Illinois is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 5069, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Indiana joins countless other states in introducing PMTA Registry bills. SB 227, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Iowa is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HF 2677, if signed into law, would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging Governor Reynolds to VETO!

Kansas is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 2801, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Louisiana is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 621, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Maryland is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 1197, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Minnesota introduces HF 2177, which if passed would result in a total flavor ban of non-tobacco-flavored vapor products. NOW IS THE TIME to make your voices heard. Urge your representatives to veto the bill now!

Missouri is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 2211, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Considering the state just narrowly escaped the PMTA registry bill, LB 1299 is a 20% wholesale tax that would be imposed on vapor products. THIS CANNOT STAND. Urge your lawmakers to oppose LB 1299!

New Hampshire is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. HB 1591, if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

The state's budget bill H 7225 would impose an 80% wholesale tax & codify the state's flavor ban. So in addition to not being able to access flavored vapor products, it'll be unnecessarily expensive? Nope. We urge you to oppose this bill. This is crazy.

South Carolina is joining the rest of the country in introducing PMTA Registry bills. S 994 , if passed would effectively make the state an enforcement arm of the FDA. Keep your access to these products today by urging your lawmakers to oppose!

Virginia state legislature introduced a new tax hike on nicotine e-liquid that would almost double the existing tax on your products. Call Governor Youngkin and tell him to OPPOSE the continued taxation on your access to nicotine products!