Best e-Liquid

Repealing The Vape Ban Will Be an Uphill Struggle

Repealing The Vape Ban Will Be an Uphill Struggle

Right here at BLVK Unicorn headquarters in Southern California, the summer sun-rays have certainly started to peek their way out. We know we have readers from all over the globe and that the temp is rising for you too, so BLVK Unicorn wants to give you the meltdown with five essential tips for summertime vaping.

First and foremost, we are going to bring it back to the basics and your number one focus when it comes to summer heat and your e-liquids. BE MINDFUL OF THE THERMOMETER. Aside from the obvious complications you can face with hot e-liquid and melted bottles, you want to keep a watchful eye on your devices as well. Remember, E is for electronic; you wouldn’t go leaving your cell phone is your hot car, so pay the same courtesy to your mods.

Now that you have that under control and are carrying your vape pen with you for safe keeping from the sun, be sure to keep it away from the water! BLVK Unicorn knows you are out there swimming in the ocean or your pool and want to enjoy some casual vaping – just be sure you don’t accidentally shake out your beach towel and get your pen wet. This can be easily avoided with a BLVK Unicorn vape bag or simply a Ziploc!

So, your vape device and high quality e-liquid are cool and dry, now you’ve gotta make sure you are charged up and ready to puff at all times throughout your summer adventures. Carrying extra batteries and your charger will guarantee your trusty sidekick is ready to heat up and fill your lungs, uninterrupted.

VNLA Custard Nicotine Salt

But pause right there, if you are a traveler, you might want to take the extra couple of moments to do your research. While BLVK Unicorn is always here to help you skip that step and provide you viable information, rules vary with airlines, so make sure you take a moment to familiarize yourself with your transportation and destination to ensure their specific vape policies!

Once you are all ready to jet set, you’ve packed yourself a handy little travel bag – you should be feeling confident that your vape pen and you are ready to take on your summer hobbies and travels, and while you are – BLVK Unicorn always recommends you go the extra mile and set out with extras of EVERYTHING! That’s right – chargers, e-liquids, pens, batteries – you name it. Things happen, stuff gets lost or broken, especially during the freedom of summer, so it is always best to be fully prepared!

Now you can enjoy the relaxing days of vacation with ease. With these simple tips, you and your e-cig of choice will be shining just as bright as the sun together! BLVK Unicorn staff is grateful to beat the heat with you all summer long and continue to provide you with tips for successful vaping, in any climate and all on your escapades! Stay hydrated you magical unicorns, and as always – happy vaping from your favorites over at BLVK Unicorn!

Thank You For Reading

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Vaping poolside? Better read these tips!
How The Vape Industry Has Evolved Over Time

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